Sharepoint 2010 - Associate Workflow to List with Power Shell
I create a new Workflow Template (globally reusable) in root site and I associate it to a List in a Site Template.
But I need to update each sub site (created from my Site Template) with the new Workflow.
I use PowerShell, to cycle each subsite and associate WF to content type list.
This is command I used:
It helps me for massive update.
But I need to update each sub site (created from my Site Template) with the new Workflow.
I use PowerShell, to cycle each subsite and associate WF to content type list.
This is command I used:
$site=Get-SPSite "http://sharepoint_root_site"
foreach($web in $site.AllWebs){
$taskList=$web.Lists["Workflow Tasks"]
$historyList=$web.Lists["Workflow History"]
$culture=New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")
$wfTemplate=$web.WorkflowTemplates.GetTemplateByName("wfTemplate", $culture)
$associationWF=[Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAssociation]::CreateListContentTypeAssociation($wfTemplate, "MyWFInSubSite", $taskList,$historyList)
$site=Get-SPSite "http://sharepoint_root_site"
foreach($web in $site.AllWebs){
$taskList=$web.Lists["Workflow Tasks"]
$historyList=$web.Lists["Workflow History"]
$culture=New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")
$wfTemplate=$web.WorkflowTemplates.GetTemplateByName("wfTemplate", $culture)
$associationWF=[Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAssociation]::CreateListContentTypeAssociation($wfTemplate, "MyWFInSubSite", $taskList,$historyList)
It helps me for massive update.
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