How to show different quick launch menu items in different pages? The quick launch in Sharepoint is an object common to all pages of the site. To show menu items according to the page you visited, I followed client side method with javascript (jquery). Here's how, using Sharepoint Designer 2010. On css stylesheet of the site, I added this instruction, which hides all the items in the Quick Launch: . s4-ql ul.root> li { display: none; } Then, make note of the position of the menu items in the quick lanuch: eg. 0 - Document Libraries 1 - Lists 2 - MyLink 0 - MySubLink1 1 - MySubLink2 3 - MyOtherLink 4 - MyLastLink The pages follows the following rules: Page1 shows 0,1,4 Page2 shows 0,2,3 Page3 shows 0,2 (and sub links 1), 3.4 And now, I change the, adding references to jquery and inserting the following code: //get all items in the quick launch var li_nav = $(".vertical-menu>ul>li"); //get...
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