Sharepoint 2010 - Multilanguage Site - Show column in current language

In multilanguage site feature, Sharepoint 2010 does not translate content of web part and metadata. We have to find a way to show to user content or metadata in current language. I used a list with columns with content in language and a lot of jquery to show and hide columns for current language. I have a list with "DescriptionIT" and "DescriptionEN" columns. Then, I set a view with both columns visible. In this view, I added a content query web part whit code below. In this code, I search for current language, i.e. "Italian", then search for column with "DescriptionIT", and hide all columns but "DescriptionIT" (with name starting with "Decsription"). Result is that if I change language (with Select Display Language), I see only column in respective language. Simple and cross platform. Here the code: <script src="" type=...