
Showing posts from January, 2012

Sharepoint 2010 - Delete this List link missing

If menu item "Delete this List" in list settings is missing or, in Sharepoint Designer 2010, you receive error in deleting list/library, may be problems is for AllowDeletion property of the List/Library. Once you declare an item as a record in a list, the corresponding lists SPList.AllowDeletion property is set to False. This is why you no longer see the "Delete this List" link in the list settings and is intended to protect lists with items declared as records. You can use PowerShell to delete the list (using the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell): $assignment = Start-SPAssignment $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity "http://yoursite" -AssignmentCollection $assignment $list = $web.lists["Your List Title"] $list.AllowDeletion = $true $list.Update() #after this is entered, the "Delete this List" link will reappear in the UI for the List Settings $list.Delete() #this will delete the list Stop-SPAssignment $assignment Yes, it's wor...

Google Android - Low resolution in People pics?

My wife has a mobile phone with Android. I have configured the account on Gmail (and consequently, now on all Google services), putting a photo for her profile (in GMail, please note!). But the little pic that I put, despite having uploaded a high-resolution photo, on my Nexus S is just very low quality. I came across this "problem" that I discovered not only mine. No concrete solution around, then I started found mine. Photos of contacts on Android, appear in 96 x 96 pixels. Which is sufficient for most smartphones with Google's operating system. But with Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4), the application People (former contacts), the problem is a bit more visible. or rather, you see, but just bad ... Selecting a contact, the picture (if coming from Gmail) appears with a higher resolution, then it is low. There are different solutions for photos coming for example from Facebook via third party applications, but goes for Facebook. But today I discovered an i...

Google - Foto sgranate nei Contatti di Android?

Mia moglie ha da poco un telefonino con Android. Le ho configurato l'account su Gmail (e di conseguenza, adesso, su tutti i servizi di Google), mettendo una foto per il suo profilo (in GMail, nota bene!). Ma la fotina che le ho messo, pur avendo caricato una foto ad alta risoluzione, sul mio Nexus S viene proprio ben sgranata. Mi sono imbattuto in questo "problema" che ho scoperto non essere solo mio. Nessuna soluzione concreta in giro, allora mi sono ingegnato. Le foto dei contatti, su Android, vengono visualizzate in 96x96 pixel. Il che è sufficiente per la maggior parte degli Smartphone con il sistema operativo di Google. Ma con l'arrivo di Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4), nell'applicazione People (ex Contatti), il problema è un po' più visibile.. o anzi, si vede, però proprio male.. Selezionando un contatto, la sua foto (se proveniente da Gmail) viene visualizzata con una risoluzione maggiore, quindi viene sgranata. Ci sono diverse soluzioni, ...

Sharepoint 2010 - Ajax List Web Part

I need web part that read from Site Collection, each Subsite, each Document Library, each Document, and return list of latest Documents of the entire Site Collection. Not very hard to develop, but it's very very bad in performance.. Web Part page take a long time to render. So the ajax idea. But how to? I found no way to expose ajax properties in tool panel of WP developed in VStudio. If you know how to.... write me, please! I checked out many posts, forums, articles about how to integrate Ajax Toolkit in Sharepoint. Then I do my way. I referenced Ajax Toolkit dll in my project. Download the right toolkit for Sharepoint here: . To use the Ajax Control Toolkit in any web part control add the following lines to register the Ajax Control Toolkit namespace: <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30930.28736,  Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e" Namespace="AjaxCon...

Sharepoint 2010 - Set Editor (Modified By) for Document in Doc Lib

I found many problems to update the field "Modified By" in a document loaded programmatically in a Document Library. After several attempts I found my solution. Use the "vti_modifiedby" from ListItem.File.Properties. Therefore, you must run these lines of code: spListItem.File.Properties["vti_modifiedby"] = SPContext.CurrentWeb.CurrentUser.LoginName; //Properties wants string spListItem.File.Update(); It Works! It does not works for  Document Set. I have not found the correct procedure. If anyone knows, write me!